to anies : ~now i can move on~

Day 849, 13:55 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by princessinside
I'm sitting here wondering how it came to this..

You've been by my side through thick and thin. You taught me how to see the eworld in another's eyes.You helped me find who I really was, and who I want to be, you filled my heart with joy, but then something went wrong. I was always there for you, no matter what, and even after you echeated on me and broke my eheart into a million pieces I still tried to make it work.

To be honest with you, I really think we're losing elove. Things don't seem the same anymore.

Your elove isn't as strong as you say it is.

I finally have the strength to move on. I always thought it took a very strong person to hold on, but I finally realized it takes an even stronger person to let go. So, I guess today I have to be that stronger person.

Now I can move on.

wish all the best for u and her .


PS : sengaja aku buat surat ini duluan, karena jika menunggu kamu yang buat, aku yakin tidak akan pernah terjadi.

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let's make everything clear .

menanggapi komen anies :

Anies Baswedan17 minutes ago "move on" to? lol

btw why so hurry hun?

is there someone waitin for you? or you too messed up and tired of waiting my article..

hmm kk, i'll keep my promise..
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biar gambar ini aja yg jelasin ..

kl gambarnya kurang besar bisa di lihat di

ty 🙂

@ anies .. why so mellow? i think as a gentleman .. u eproposed me by article so lets end our erelationship by article too ..

i already asked u to write article about our edivorce since first time u choose her 🙂

just wanna make it clear.