To: admins

Day 1,341, 23:01 Published in Spain Greece by Philipx1

Dear admins,
I decided to write a friendly article to you for something that isnt fair.Most of greeks are getting punished (they take forfeit points) while they are loading as a profile picture vergina sun and while Fyromians loading it, they dont get punished.

Vergina sun is a symbol from ancient macedonians! It shows the ancient GREEK gods, it symbols the fire, the earth, the sea and the air! As i know, vergina sun is recognized from united nations as GREEK symbol! You can see HERE. in the page 52-54 it says that fyromians arent allowed to make propaganda of 'united macedonia' since USA dont allow! They dont have the right to have as a profile picture the vergina sun or the united macedonia! ONLY GREEKS according to U.N. Have the right but they get punished

But as i see, the player alekjoe with that link:

Has as his avatar the picture of united macedonia which is that:  

I see and the player enikolamkd having in his profile picture the vergina sun.
Player's link:

And i have made over 50 reports about these avatars and NONE punished. But when a simply greek load the vergina sun, he would be the most lucky person in the world if he dont take a forfeit point.

I only want to tell you that money isnt the best thing in the world and as i know, you have already earn a lot of money! Please dont let them make propaganda and insult my country!when someone insults me i dont care, when someone insults someone else i dont care but when someone insults MY country im getting angry and if this problem isnt solved in these days, i will report the game to united nations! Stop fyrom's propaganda and let us enjoy the game because none greek enjoy the game, none greek want to pay and still being sad about an unreal game!

I only ask you admins to communicate with ME to solve the problem!

Thank you for reading!
Please vote it to become international and admins take a look!!