Tits. And Tang. And V2 Hell Rising.

Day 955, 02:34 Published in USA USA by Candor

(Tits. And tell me you wouldn't)

(I promised)

Killing Time

Colin Lantrip

I have to admit, this must be the ugliest ticket to ever grace this ugly games ugly pages.

But this is my ticket. These are the guys I support.

Not because BR and AA aren’t smart, they are. And I voted for Fionia twice for Speaker of House, once even nominating her. We’d be fine with either of these tickets; they’re solid eAmericans, smart and capable tickets.

And frankly I’m not sure I’ve ever spoken to Killing Time directly. But Colin Lantrip? He’s on my short list of the most respectable eAmericans in the game. There are few whom I trust more. If Colin’s on this ticket, even as VP, this tickets my ticket. I trust he wouldn’t put his name on this if it weren’t the best option on the table. And so I put MY name on this ticket as well, as a solid supporter and massive endorser.

This is the team to lead us into V2/Hell Rising.

Join me in voting for success and glory!