Titanium Gate: An Outside View

Day 905, 17:58 Published in Canada Philippines by Mawasha

As we all know, v2 is quickly approaching us (today in the admin message they hinted that within a week they will give us an exact date). A huge debate in Canada recently has been that we need a decision on what to do with our two diamond (titanium) regions. Some are for renting one, while others want to keep both and see how our economy is affected. There have been even more ambiguous ideas thrown about but in all reality there are 2 options; keeping both or renting one region. The intent of this article is to give a non-bias view on the two options, giving pros, cons and the “what ifs” of each.

Renting A region
First let’s start out with Renting one region; this seems to be the most popular option as it allows us to give an EDEN country (most likely US, Spain, or Poland) one of our regions for a monthly rent fee (think Karnataka). This would allow EDEN to produce a lot more titanium and also give us protection from that country (they would have a high interest in keeping Phoenix away from their region), which, to be honest we will need. A hidden benefit (which I don’t think many people have thought of) is with another country producing titanium the demand will be down, letting our other land industries have a fighting chance of stay in business.

On the backside of us renting a region though, is a risk. The major one is, can we trust them? Are we sure that in good times and bad they will pay us? And if they don’t what can / will we do about it? I think that boils down to one thing, if they aren’t going to pay us then most likely they aren’t going to want to rent from us either. We need to have some trust in our allies, and if say Spain or US stop making their payments, I’m sure that another country who will pay would be more than happy to take their spot. We do need to have some faith in our allies, without them we would just be under Russia, Serbian, or Indonesian command.

*What our planes will be without enought titanium*

What concerns me more though is price. What is a fair price for a high resource region that is as key as iron will be in v2, but more rare? USA pays 400g/ month for Karn (citation needed, that might be wrong) and that seems like a fair price for it. The answer to this depends completely on how much tanks / heli will be needed in v2. Remember that Tanks counter infantry (assumed to be the most common troop type) While Helicopters counter Tanks. This puts in my opinion a huge strain on titanium for tanks; making titanium important, and valuable. Without pricing ourselves out of a bidder, id say a fair price would be around 400-500g per month.

The last concern most people have is then: What happens to the companies already in NWT / Nuv? The answer is simple; they ride the wave. They now become company owners in the new country that owns them and reorganize accordingly. And for the argument “competition will steal a lot of business from us”, the US already has a wood region, a grain region, multiple oil regions, and an iron region (which for all intent and purpose, is equal to diamonds) they aren’t the sole producer for them in the world or own market share globally, I don’t think them getting diamonds will drive us out of the market at all.

Keeping Both
All of the diehard Canadians out there are a fan of keeping both and seeing how the market reacts. While this could bring the biggest baby boom to Canada (can someone say world power?) and make us a force to be reckoned with. After all, it is our regions; we have eminent domain over them. This would be a great option for the first month or two of v2 to see how our market reacts (expect insane land wages, high prices, and a lot of population). And with this new population we would get more taxes (even a 1% higher income tax on titanium would be huge in long term income).

This all seems perfect and the best option, except for a few things. One, what if another country (Australia, SA, Russia, ect) have better wages? What if we don’t get the population boost we are expecting? Another issue, what is the benefit to both regions except pride. A main argument I keep seeing is that they are “ours”, which from a game play stand point, isn’t the best way to think. Also an assumption we have is that to hold both, we will have our allies. As this game has proved before, most countries want what is best for themselves before what is best for other countries (think LionKing, HelloKitty, Karnataka (when indo owned it), West Aus, SA, ect ect). If we aren’t able to produce the titanium needed, and they are losing battles because of it, we might find ourselves without either region pretty fast.

*I dont want another Hello Kitty situation, do you?*

As you can see the titanium issue is not easy, as both sides have valid point; but with each passing day v2 gets closer and Canada needs to have a solid stance on where we are going, regardless of the current administration’s view. Because once we rent out a region I don’t think they will be eager to leave within a short few months.

P.S: i need a better name for my newspaper, ideas welcome in comments 😃