Timing Is Everything

Day 668, 22:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

So it is official. I am running for Congress in Cork and Kerry under Independent Voices. Because we all know I am very independent and I have no problem using my voice. 😉

I am preparing a Manifesto for your enjoyment. I don't want to release it too soon. Timing is everything when it comes to these kinds of things. I like to allow the anticipation to build.

As for the Ministry of New Citizens, seven of my babies have graduated to adolescence. lol I can't say they are adults yet, but they no longer need my help. These graduates have mastered the basics necessary for survival here, now it is up to them to continue to grow and blossom.

I do not know yet what effects this program will have on eIreland. I know what my hopes are. I know that my strategy was a sound one. I also know that the results I am seeing thus far are very encouraging. What I have started, is only the first piece of a much larger strategy. Each day I am learning more and finding better ways of connecting with noobs and attending to their needs.

My fellow Ministers have been excellent. The participation from our veteran players has been phenomenal. And the support of eIreland has been inspiring.

Until next time,

Edana Savage
Minister of New Citizens
Candidate for Congress, Cork and Kerry