Timeoin: No Time For Lulz

Day 805, 16:56 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Foreign Affairs:

One of the main aims of mine for this month would be to continue to get more involved with EDEN. Over the last month, Australia has been involved very strongly with EDEN, and I'd very much like to see this continue. Over the next month, I would continue to work towards strengthening our ties to EDEN. Mainly, this would be done through active involvement through formal channels, i.e. myself, Cottus Arci (my Deputy Prime Minister) and also the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who will be announced shortly, with the rest of my cabinet. If I am elected, I will ensure that our MPPs with EDEN countries are always kept activated.


With regards to the Military, I have a few plans there as well. I will be appointing Ranger Bob as the Minister of Defence, and Cerb as the Australian Military Marshal, and working with them to increase our military potential. Ranger Bob is extremely proficient at the political side of things, and Cerb is extremely proficient at military organisation, so having them in these positions is, I believe, the best choices for the jobs. As I have stated, both of them live on other sides of the world, so Australia would be covered should any Military crisis occur that required a quick response time. In particular, Ranger Bob and Cerb both came to eAustralia to reinvigorate the armed forces of Australia, and so, I would intend to take full advantage of this valuable resource whilst I can. They will have my full backing to have any support that they need to do this.

Now as for what specifically I have planned for the military this month, I believe that there is one word that sums up most of it: Redbacks. If I am elected, the Redbacks will be reintroduced as a part of the Australian Military. It is my belief that the time has come for the Redbacks to be reborn into the Australian Military, and fill a much needed niche in the Australian Defence Forces, that of supplying our soldiers with weapons and gifts whilst they are fighting overseas. They will also be involved with the running of competitions and other military training incentives, and helping with intercommunication in the military.

If I am elected, I would aim to formally make them a part of the Australian Military once more, and receive all the government funding that they need to do the job that they do so well. As for the other changes that I would like to see put in place: I would like to bring back activity checks in the Military. Too often, I have seen our military struggling and wasting good money because we have members of our military who just aren't following orders.

There is clearly a problem with communication here, and I would like to fix this. To this end, I would like to formalise the communication process. The AMM (or MoD if necessary) would issue the orders. The Branch Marshals would then send these orders out to the squad commanders, who would be responsible for getting the message out to their squad, using in-game PMs to do so. As for what qualifications I have to suggest these changes? Well, I have been a commited member of the Australian military for some time now, and have never been removed due to inactivity. Í would suggest that makes me qualified to speak about activity levels in the Australian military.


Cultural Services:

As I aimed to achieve last month, there are two aims for Cultural Services this month:

The first of these is to bring back the Messaging of new players. The last month, there is clear evidence that just posting articles does not help new players (our population growth has all but stagnated of late). Therefore, i propose to go back to messaging new players, welcoming them to eAustralia and the game. This makes them feel welcome, and makes them much more likely to stay involved with playing the game.

The second thing aim of Cultural Services would be to continue the good work done by br0adside last month on his own. I would like to see him continue with eAustralian competitions and eSports to bring back the "Cultural" element of the game. I would like to formalise the eAustralian government support for such groups as the ANCA and eMMA, and would be willing to consider funding for other eSports, if any are suggested.


Information department in February will be the same as what i proposed back in January. To refresh your memory: I said that I will be seeking to get accurate, unbiased Information out to the people. It is my belief that this department was designed to deliver reports on both levels of Australian government: the Senate AND the Cabinet. It is a department that i have had personal experience in, and i believe that in order for this so succeed, the Minister of Information be given a free hand to report on the government's activities. I am a strong believer in Open Government, and so will be giving them the opportunity to report any breaches of government policy. I will therefore be appointing someone who I know will report this, and has done so in the past.


Finance and Industry:

The Minister of Finance will be in charge of keeping the Monetary Market wall secure, and transferring money to the departments as per their budget, as well as any other tasks that need to be undertaken with regards to this department. The Minister of Industry will be in charge of running the Government-Funded Companies (GFCs), and do their best to increase Australia's GDP. I would have them working towards building a stronger economy for Australia, and its important to let the Finance and Industry team work towards this. The team that I have selected will work towards this aim If im elected.

Immigration, Customs and Security:

They will be responsible for ensuring that Australia is as protected from Political Take Overs (PTOs) as it is as possible to be. That is the role of this department, and I am confident that, the Minister and his/her deputy will perform ably in this regard.


This will be a new role. It aims at encouraging people to start playing the game. This will be done through aggressive marketing campaigning in Real Life, mainly through promoting the game in both websites, and if possible, the media.

If you would like to become involved with these or any other departments, Internships will be available if you wish to become involved with cabinet. The applications will not be accepted by myself, but rather by the Cabinet Ministers that they will be working closely with.

I would ask that you read these plans, and vote for Timeoin on February 06 🙂
