Timely Update: Editor Apology, Gift Giving, and V1.

Day 292, 13:58 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

Apology to Huffle
We at A Timely Bitch offer an official apology to our Queen Huffle for using the offensive term Turkey when we should have been using "The New Israeli Empire," or NIE for short.

Gift Giving
As I have been reading about in the news lately, there is a need for people of NIE and Mexico to gift one another. Our eBrothers and eSisters are dying in the streets because their wellness is not allowing them to earn enough money to buy high enough qualities of food to sustain them! If you need gifts to help your wellness, post here, and hopefully, someone can hear your cries for help. With the prices of food and gifts these days, I can only afford 1 Q1 per day...but, I am more than happy to oblige. After all, I have only achieved such a high degree of wellness through the charity of my fellow eCitizens.

Newspaper Suggestion
On an additional note, I have proposed a [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/forum-topic-71471.html]suggestion[/a] for V1: keep our newspapers no matter where we move. It allows us to keep our subscribers and have a more international news feed. (If this was already a suggestion, I didn't find it in the first 7 pages or so of the forum.) Visit the forum to chime in!