Time to Rebuild

Day 654, 15:49 Published in USA USA by Franklin Delano Roosevelt

eAmerica, we have been through a great war, a war that almost forces us to our feet's in defeat. The enemy though that our sprite and dedication to this country will be crushed by their "success" in this past war, but we prove them wrong. The eUSA still lives, the eAmerican sprite and dedication still lives, the eAmerican people still live, and the bells of liberty will continue to live for years to come. For no way, no how, no PEACE controlled in the world. eAmerica we have a long way to go now, just think of it as the reconstruction period in the time of President Abraham Lincoln(RL event) after the great Civil War. Though it may be time consuming, it worth the effort. This time we just need to become more prepare so an attack like this never gets to succeed like the magnitude of this Great War. Remembered we have nothing to fear except fear itself. Now the country main goal is to acquire it regions ounce more, though it costly, and a big pain, we cannot give up and now it the time when we have to be more motivated then ever to become one and work together as eAmerican to achieve our goals.

Now this is what we currently look like...

This is how we need to look like...

eUS, I'm here to help you and motivate you to become stronger, remembered that united as one we can accomplish anything, but divided we are doom to fail.

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