Time to increase our population

Day 109, 10:03 Published in USA USA by Nave Saikiliah

Our economy can handle it now. It would be a great way to bring some gold and labor into the US.

We are going to start a Immigration/Growth Bureau. This group will create an email address -- something along the lines of eAmerica@gmail.com. They will aggressively advertise eAmerica and the game in all sorts of forums, leaving their email address to anyone who is interested.

Then they will write up a contract. It will say that anyone who signs will use an invite on one of these prospective Americans. They will send 3 of their 5 gold to the American government. Also, anyone who gets invited from this program will use their invites and send 3 of their 5 gold to the Treasury.

Also, we will send a welcome email with each invite. This will be sent from eAmerica@gmail.com and explain how to get started -- how to join a company, how to stay active in the media, how to train, the political parties and what they stand for, etc. It will help ensure new users will get the hang of things -- it will also encourage players to stay active.

Okay, so who wants to volunteer? We need a group leader -- one who knows a lot about online forums and organizations that would be interested in this.