Time To Grow Up

Day 1,965, 13:22 Published in United Kingdom USA by Oddinary

Day 1965 13:21

By Dnouser
Washington Star

An OP ed Piece

While sitting here waiting on my supplies to fight, I thought I would take a look around the IRC and the Forum.

What do I see but a bunch of what appear to be 12 year old girls arguing over who gets to play with the dolls today. The eUK will never come back to prominence with a bunch of pantywaists slinging mud at each other.

I have been back active for 30 days after being not around for close to 1.5 years. What we once had an active forum and IRC channels and a group of people who enjoyed the game and politics has turned into a fracas. Being a part of the madness is not much fun anymore as all everyone one does is bash each other.

Quit your petty bickering and grow up.

While I am sure that this will not get many votes because there are no pretty pictures or petty bullshit bickering about one person or party. I do hope that you all read it and take it to heart.

