Time to be Presidential [+Cabinet]

Day 1,018, 11:24 Published in Japan Japan by Sugawara Michizane


The national election for Japan’s next President is on our doorstep, though thus far you have seen little in our media relating to this reoccurring event of high importance. For that I apologize. For reasons outside my control I have been without internet for the last handful of days and thus unable to speak to the nation on any reasonable scale. If you want a reason for why, feel free to PM me or check your party forums. But on to more important issues at hand…

Japan is in need of fresh new leadership. For the last two terms, President exReality has performed admirably in his role of highest minister. He surrounded himself with powerful individuals to staff his cabinet and ensured as much stability in our state as possible. Given, version 2 has wreaked much havoc on the activity and population of our nation and many others. This is a sad fact, and one that we are all still trying to cope and deal with. Below I will try to win your hearts and minds and earn your vote on election day.

I. Merits and Ability
Before I ramble on about a few of my plans for the nation, I want to reassure my fellow citizens that I am an able bodied individual to fill the role. While I lack any impressive number of international contacts, I feel these are things that are acquired on the job. What I do posses is frequent activity, responsibility, and ability to manage. My eRepublik self is now around 6 months old. In that short amount of time I have been elected to congress 5 times and I have served in 5 cabinets spanning 3 presidencies. In that capacity I have filled the role of Minister of Health and later Minister of Interior Affairs. I have had frequent interaction with the younger player base and have seen firsthand, more clearly than most, the stark decrease in new blood our nation receives in these darker days. In addition, I have helped form part of the leadership of the Imperial Sun Party for much of my eLife – a role that allowed me to find great friendship in the likes of Presidents danyeo and exReality, as well as Reiji M. I am a life-long bureaucrat, and honored to have a chance at serving in the nation’s highest post.

II. Military Reform … how original
I’ve never really been a fan of long/boring platforms, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. I would like to open the military up to any citizen. I also want to make the military more mobile in a sense. This would entail players of all military capability having the option to go abroad with government armaments and fight in foreign tours. With the state of our nation, citizen soldiers should have the option of serving more casually, logging into IRC when they wish and deploying to fight for friendly nations. Our government’s income is doing well, and we’re operating on a surplus. As such, allowing citizens this option is affordable and may help in boosting military activity.

III. Media
Our media has been rather poor lately. Like, honestly, why the hell should an article hit top 5 when its only content is “I bet this article will be top 5”. There’s obviously no one to blame for such unfortunate circumstances, but I would like to try and change it a bit. As part of my cabinet I will have a Minister of Media (MoM). I will detail their role more a little later, but simply put they will put out articles, highlight good media, and try to make it a little more fun to log into eRep in the morning and seeing at least a few halfway decent articles in the top 5.

IV. Other Stuff…
As for boosting general activity/fun, I have 1 or 2 ‘events’ planned mid-month.

As for anything else, feel free to PM me. Sorry for the lack of images in this article… posting from a poor internet connection which would make this process much more hellish if I had to worry about that.

As for my would-be cabinet...

VP - Shim Myeong
MoFA - trsv & Alfred-ball
MoF - Kijuju
MoC - DankChronic
MoIA (will now include MoH) - Shinybluepope
MoD / Supreme Commander - tba
MoS - tba
MoM (newly created) - work in progress.

Cheers Japan

Sugawara Michizane
Congressman, Minister, Ambassador, Party President, Businessman