Time is all we have to say goodbye

Day 598, 04:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Digits 05637716

It is with great regret that I must announce that I must leave eRepublik. Issues have come up which mean I am not able to devote myself entirely to the cause of eIreland. As I am not one to do things by half measures, it is the only option remaining to me. I may just about find time to work, train and fight but unfortunately I can no longer be at your service. My time needs to be devoted the most important of all things in real life. I hope I have managed to achieve something on my time here, and that all of my efforts have not been in vain. Over 1000 PM's sent is perhaps testament to my activity here. My great plans, of whom only very few were aware of, remain unfulfilled. I hope people remember me not as someone who talked, but as someone who acted.

To those of you who know me best, I wish you the best.
To those of you who know me, I wish you well.
To those of you who don't know me, I wish you luck.

I hereby announce I am:

Withdrawal of candidacy from Irish Union Party Presidency election (my deepest apologies)
Resigning from the IUP (I do not wish to be a two clicker member)
Resigning from the IDF
Resigning my position as Community Minister
Becoming inactive on the Irish Forums
Deleting myself from the IUP forums
Uninstalling mIRC
Pulling out of any planned Business Interests

I wish eIreland the best of luck. Unfortunately in my time here, I was not able to serve you as I could have. Perhaps one day I may receive the opportunity of returning but for now I have real life responsibilities to which I must devote my heart and mind and activity.

So, proud citizens of eIreland, tread softly, for you tread on my dreams.

Best wishes,


(aka Digits)