Time for a Quiz - Solved

Day 2,215, 14:57 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Marcotje

Hello eWorld,

I will finally reveal the answer. I've heard a lot of different answers and all of them were not the ones I was looking for. I'm happy to see that a lot of you participated and so I decided to create a new puzzle that will be published soon.

The answer is .... Nope, not going to tell you just yet. Let's discuss the clues first.

"The answer is a sentence with 5 words, 1 punctuation mark and 19 letters. I have hidden several clues in this puzzle to make sure I will find the correct answer."
I will find the correct. Yes, I did but that's definitely not what I meant, why would I say that? There were some of you that solved this part and found the first word, "you".

The picture caused a lot of confusion if only all of you had perfect memories! Then you would have remembered I used a keep calm picture in the article before 'Time for a Quiz' (hence the "looks familiar"). In that caption, there was a grammar mistake! In which you could find the second word "is".

I made a grammar mistake in the fourth paragraph. Unfortunately this wasn't on purpose, after doing some research I found out, what I meant was wrong and so I revealed the word "me".

Now, here comes the final word. Are you all excited? It was in the paragraph that seemed to be ignored by everyone.

"Before I tell you the clue, I would like to talk a bit about me as I noticed many people don't know this about me and well, the next part I'm going to tell you is pretty important. As some of you might know, I'm from the Netherlands and even though I always elived here, I made some eDutch friends and they always ask me the question. The question is what is eMalaysia? Then I tell them about the friends I've made here and it's more fun here than anywhere else."
I tried to make it clear that it's about THE question. "What is eMalaysia?", the thing that brought everything together! So the final answer is....

eMalaysia is you and me!

This was the first time I did anything like this and I've learned not to make a puzzle with grammar clues! I'm sorry about that, I should not have done that so I think you will be happier with my next puzzle.

Some people deserve some prizes for their effort! It won't be much as you failed 😉 but still you deserve it!

Elijah Abbot
"Did you find the answer?"
He sai😛 "My answer came up like this because of the sentence " I have hidden several clues in this puzzle to make sure I will find the correct answer." I like how he came up with this so he deserves 10 MYR!

Buntak Dayung Bluesavvy
"i have your facebook and im not afraid to ask the answer on your wall

can that be the answer?"

Gets his 10 MYR for his beautiful attempt at blackmailing.

Both Amli Nujhan and EtienneGoh deserve 40 MYR each for their countless tries and effort spend into this.


See you in the next puzzle,

Update: I was not able to donate to Amli Nujhan or EtienneGoh (Thank you eRepublik) so they will receive their prizes soon!