Tichet privind eliminarea din joc a 'town center' -ului [Part II]

Day 1,769, 13:50 Published in Romania Romania by sf petru II

După cum am postat în articolul precedent, am trimis un ticket adminilor privind unele modificări ale jocului. Tot acolo am postat şi răspunsul primit:

Hello citizen,

You remained with those factories and with the products produced until now!

We cannot compensate for something that we didn't take!

Your eRepublik team

Bineînţeles, am rămas profund nemulţumit nu numai de rezolvarea acestuia, dar şi de atitudinea prin care mi s-a răspuns. Vorba aia: "Păi tu ştii cine-s eu? Eu îs cetăţean european şi am drepturi!". Aşa că am mai trimis un ticket cu textul:

To mr./mrs. Muhammed J. E.,

I don't think you got the point of my ticket. I am not pleased with my compensation: I paid with currency and I got back 1 energy bar and 1 bazooka booster. It's like the government would pay me pack my taxes in candies and fuel, or something like that. I would definetly prefer my currency back instead of those. I sincerely hope you got the point now because I would prefer not to write you yet another ticket.

Also, in the previous ticket, I merged the two problems that I writed you about. The second problem is about the raw material companies which remained in my inventory, as you mentioned. It is not about the total amount of value produced using them, because that might be the equivalent of the gold/currency spent on buiding them. It is actually about the time spent for doing that. It is not fair that other players got free something for what I had to work for. It was in my disadvantage to use the gold on something else but training or upgrading training grounds/companies.

I don't think I need to be even more explicit, because I believe you know very well what I am writing you about. In the response for this ticket I would like to receive solvings for BOTH problems I mentioned, or else I will be forced to open another two tickets, one for each of them. One more thing would be your attitude. You really don't have to use the "!" sign, because I will understand if you will provide a reasonable solving. I understand that you are probably receiving douzins of tickets regarding this problem, but still, this is a game, I ask some questions, you answer or solve them. That what 'support' is about, right?

Best regards,

Nu la mult timp după am primit un răspuns cu textul:

Angel P.


Like told in a prevoius answer you have been compensated with the same as everyone else that had these buildings, and there will be no more refunds on that account. We do not refund for spent time and effort.


The eRepublik Team

Evident, am rămas încă profund dezamăgit de rezolvare şi atitudinea pe care mi se răspunde. Deasemenea, ţin să subliniez fraza:
We do not refund for spent time and effort.
Ce să înţeleg eu de aici? e al doilea mesaj în care sunt tratat de-a dreptul cu dispreţ. Tind la modul serios să răspund în continuare acestui ticket. Poate că ar ajuta dacă ar fi susţinut în mai multe exemplare, deşi nu ştiu câţi dintre voi aţi fi dispuşi să vă riscaţi contul pentru nişte RON. Dar aţi fi dispuşi să vă riscaţi contul pentru demnitate şi corectitudine ? Dacă citiţi cu atenţie ticketul, vă veţi da seama despre ce vorbesc.

Jucători anti-românişti: Hitman, Cronoss, Lego-kun, paul_voiclis