Thunderbrow News: Mid Party Election Analysis

Day 295, 09:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Daoine na hEireann,

Today, as I am sure you are all aware, is the party election day. Where through the brilliance of a democratic election we can vote in party presidents. Here I will give you the election results (so far) and give you my thoughts. I will post my post election analysis tomorrow evening.

So, here we go...

Ireland First
Brian Boru, Top Gun and JPUTRA(2)
Five others with one vote

(40/153 members voted so far)
26% Voter Turnout

Well it would look as if Quatermass will win the presidency of eIreland's biggest party. Strange to see none of the big names here. I personally expected Michael Collins to go up this time. Interestingly Brian Boru has only gotten two votes despite his accomplishments with the IRA. Does this show that the public support for the IRA is not echoed in Ireland First?


Ireland Reborn
Two others with one vote

(35/78 membes voted so far)
45% Voter Turnout

Interesting to see Victor's return. I thought he was ruined after he left last time but it would appear that I was mistaken. Not much to choose between the two forerunners, both are pretty similar. I am calling this one as Amroth's as many IR members have tried to distance themselves from him over the last few days, telling us that they are not all that bad, of course Amroth is not a whole lot better than Victor but as Tesco tell us "Every little helps!!". I think we can expect a surge of Amroth (as in anyone but Victor) voters in the next few hours. IR must know that they cannot afford having Victor at their helm again.


Irish Unionist Party
Igor Thunderbrow, patton(9)
Six others with one vote

(29/69 members voted so far)
42% Voter Turnout

Wow, what can I say!! When I voted for myself I had no votes to patton's 5. I must say that I am very surprised to see myself up there. When I checked the votes a second ago to check the current standings, that was the first time I saw myself anywhere near patton. Anyway it looks as though a lot of people think they have a chance in getting the IUP presidency with eight other candidates getting a vote. The biggest surprise is that Agathon does not feature here. I expected her to get a few votes. I also expected Elwyn to do better due to his high profile and his popularity during the Dublin mayoral campaign but I suppose that that is the world of politics. What is also interesting is the support for Harpey_Demon. Him getting as many votes as Elwyn and Agathon combined is completely unexpected. Fair play Harpey.

Prediction:I'll go with myself🙂

Fianna Fáil
Patrick Martin(1)

(5/22 members voted so far)
23% Voter Turnout

As you can see FF are really beginning to fade into the background. Only five party members voted so far!! That really is not very good. Neither of these candidates are well known so I do not expect this election to be of much impact politically.


Irish Freedom Party]
Frank Ninja(1)

(9/11 members voted so far)
82% Voter Turnout

This is quite interesting. A possible take over by Sme3dy? 5n4keyes has already called foul play. This might account for the ridiculously high voter turnout only nine hours into the election. Finding out who Sme3dy is and his reasons for trying to take control of such a small and inactive party should prove interesting. Looks like Sme3dy will succeed considering the few voters left in this election


Irish Citizen's Army
Thomas Page(2)

(6/10 members voted so far)
60% Voter Turnout

Now we come to Ireland's smallest party. They have enjoyed enormous growth over the last few days despite the near disappearance of founder Squatter. What they do after these elections should prove interesting. This is hard to call due to the low numbers involved but with six out of ten voters already voted I have to say that a victory for Merolk is by far the most likely result here.


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I hope that you have found my analysis interesting.

Go raibh maith agat as bhur éisteacht