Throwing my hat into the ring of fire

Day 3,950, 13:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by PalaceDom

Whilst I admit I might not be the ideal candidate nor the first choice I felt that I needed to step up when others are not able.

As a full disclosure, due to real life commitments, I might not be able to fulfil all that I plan but I attempt to inject a bit of life into the TUP and hopefully the wider community as a whole.

So why vote for me?
Well you don’t really have a choice lol... unless someone else steps up
I’ve got some experience under my belt. Being a congress member for multiple months running as well as other positions.
I’ve been a TUP member since the very beginning through the ups and downs.

What do I plan to do?
Increase the engagement on the party feed and in general throughout the TUP

Attempt to bring some sort of events that bring new and older players together. I would like to work with the party in power and see if we can rework the NPF or another scheme that benefits all players in our nation

And some other bits

I know this is short and sweet and probably leaves many of you in question of my candidacy. I welcome your questions and look forward to working together in a better. Brighter future.

Kind regards