Through My e-Eyes

Day 618, 21:44 Published in Canada Canada by BenMartin
Prologue: I looked out my window as two normal looking squad cars pulled into my drive way. The words ADMIN stretched across the doors like spandex across Dean22’s ever growing head. The first officer cuffed me and shoved me into the back of his car while his co-worker outlined my house with yellow tape that shouted the words “Temporary Ban.”

Chapters 1 - 10: During my time in jail I had time to reflect, it was peaceful there….. I was separated from the rest of the world, I could not smell or hear the cry’s from the battlefield that I had so become used to. Upon further exploration I met up with some other members who shared my predicament. I had tea with Vincent Chaotic, lunch with Fram and desert with the young Unthak. The jail was quite nice, the bedding was clean, the food was of the Q2ish variety and they even had Colbert re-runs playing. Quite possibly the only thing I would have had to complain about was when I passed the showers, an obviously distraught Dominik was grabbing soap, throwing it on the ground and slowly picking it up (this ended when the Admin guard chased him down and threw him abruptly out the door).

Epilogue: Many things had changed since I came back: The Canadian flag that adorned Alberta had been switched with the once mighty UK banner, I had a gaudy looking France passport in my back pocket and when I looked at Augustis Baldwin’s latest shout I realized people were even considering joining the tyrannical PEACE alliance.

Conclusion: The world may be going to hell in a PEACE coloured handbag, but I got a beer and that’s all I really care about at the moment.