Three Weeks, One Day. - The Ramblings of a Newb.

Day 415, 17:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BFSte

That's how long BFSte has been on erepublik.
22 days, 528 hours, 31, 680 minutes, 1 900 800 seconds.
And, christ, it's gone quick.

In that short amount of time i have accomplishe😛

1) Eating
Like everyone else spending a good half an hour trying to figure out how before *facepalm* ITS DONE AUTOMATICALLY! tsh. There should be some kind of massive screen that just says that when you sign up.

2) Working
Currently at High Quality Grain, i love those guys, they pay better than where ever you work 😉 Remember: buy HQG, the more you buy the more i get paid 😃 which benefits the economy in some way that i dont really understand... but im sure it works!

3) Joining a party
Those folks at TUP, they're good. So good i'd say they're better than Jesus. Or at least UKRP. And PCP. And MDU. Oh yes... but being serious, they're wicked, they have Hazz, FD, eadie, Squiddy, wazcaster and everyone else whose better than me. You know you want to join. Only after you've looked at all the other partys. Of course.

4) Buying pointless stuff
Obligitory moving ticket? Check.
Weapons? Check.
Rubbish Food? Check.
Gifts? Check.
House? OH WAIT! 🙁 Someone make them cheaper please? Ta.

5) Joined the Forums
I have over 50 posts now... which scare me, i cant remember saying that much... thats bad 🙁
But yup get your arses to
The games not as good without it.

6) Start a paper
It's this very thing you're reading!
Wazcaster lent me the 2 gold, thats just the kind of people we people at TUP are (friendly not rich... though wazcaster is rich)
2 gold worth spent?
You let me know!
Comment, comment, comment.

The Unity Party.