Three steps closer to Phoenix

Day 899, 04:57 Published in Czech Republic Israel by Aldameldo

Former President Malkovsky said something really important in his last article. It's a new era in our little republic's history. First of all we are only left with S.B. again by our beloved Slovakian neighbours. Please tell me, Slovakian governmental people, is that a gesture of friendship? A gesture of unity? For, if you think we are or should become a Federation, attacking us in not diplomacy, it's fascism, imperialism, it's threatening! You keep bullying us, as if we are a little child! And now you have another advantage. Vit Ruzicka, a slovakian puppet is "elected" as czech President. But their confusion is so funny! Two people are claiming to be president of "Czechoslovakia". 😃

But still, the czech nation is walking towards a bright future in Phoenix! Since yesterday our country has made three steps closer to that glorious Alliance!

First: Comrade Simonov proposed an Impeachment against Vit. Congressmen, please vote IN FAVOUR of the impeachment of that EDEN, Slovakian puppet! Michal Malkovsky has also given our Cause his support, and hopefully we will get rid of that man! CSP and CPL are once again united against fascism.

Second: The majority party, the Czech Young Liberals are now named "Czech Phoenix Liberals". That shows that the biggest czech party agrees with our country becoming member of Phoenix! So what are we waiting for?

Third: The alliance with Poland gets rejected! Phoenix doors open for us, e-czechs!

EDEN has failed! Hail Phoenix!