Thoughts on Leaving EDEN

Day 1,655, 10:49 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

First off, thanks to Duke of Alberta for suggesting this topic in my last article (and thanks to Plugson, I'll run with your idea later).

So, I have heard that Canada is leaving EDEN, and let me say, I am shocked, we've been with EDEN for about 3 years, since its conception, and now we are leaving? Why would we ever do that? Maybe this is just the complaint of someone living in the past but I feel that this was a mistake.

One reason I have been hearing about why we should leave is that there is infighting within EDEN and we shouldn’t be apart of that. But that has been true of any alliance in eRepublik, and EDEN has gone through worse (Spain and Poland were both former members). This is just an excuse made up by some here in eCanada to get out of EDEN, so we can do whatever we want and still have Terra at our back.

Leaving EDEN was a mistake in my mind, we should have tried to continue to forge close bonds within the alliance, because EDEN has always sought to counter the influence of PEACE, PHOENIX, and now ONE. Aren't these some of the same goals that Canada has on the international scale?

Who remembers PEACE?

Now I know what some of you may be thinking, now that we have Terra we don't need EDEN anymore, but that's not true. EDEN has always been there for us, and we have been there for EDEN. Our neighbors to the south have been sketchy at times, but EDEN has always been a constant.

EDEN has had great success before, anyone around back then will remember this.

Another complaint I have been hearing is that EDEN is forcing us to support them and their bigger members, leaving eCanada out of the direct action. But come on everyone, let's face facts, Canada is a nation of less than 2000 citizens. It would be nice if we could do whatever we wanted but the truth is that we cannot, and if trouble rears its head again in the Americas, how long do you think we’ll last with just Terra?

A reminder

As always, feel free to comment and suggest a topic for my next article, if it is a good suggestion, I’ll run with it!
