Thoughts around an 10th anniversary!

Day 3,653, 03:27 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

Today, eRepublik celebrates it`s 10th anniversary since release, and the discussion has gone high, whether there is something to celebrate or not. At the time of writing, there are now 62400 active citzens. not a big game in the number of players if you compare with the WoW, FIFA or Europa Universalis games. But it's a game where you have a dedicated core of daily active players, and others more as 2 clickers, but still there. And many of those have been (almost) from the very beginning, such as our hans erik, who has been here for 9 years (congrats hans erik 🙂 ).

What I like about the game:

First of all, many interesting people, from all around the world, to discuss interesting issues with. But of course the game itself with all the many different angles. We do have the political part, the economical part and the militarian part. And I do love the media modul, both to write and to read. I`ve only been in this game for the 2 and a half years, and those who knows me, have probably noticed, that`s the political module that has engaged me the most. But also the economy engages me too. In my time in eNorway we do have the same core of players and I always appreciated hearing and discussing about our agree- or disagreements. I really appreciate this!

That`s why I`m playing eRepublik! 🙂

We are a multifaceted community

But, what about the future?

But I also do see that the game is sometimes stagnant. I therefore want to use the 10th anniversary as a opportunity to give my thoughts, on how to make this game better and how to increase the engagement. And I hope by this to engage you into a debate, where YOU can tell your opinion on how to make this game better for the years to come. And hopefully be read by Plato, if he`s not to busy with big celebration partying!

I will start the debate to give my wishes for the game future:

My hope is to keep the young ones, we very often do see young players make a small visit before disappearing again. If we cant keep the young ones, the game will die, when we dies....

I hope the eLab could more implement and complete all their new ideas and testings. For instance the region and residence module. Why is it left here in a half-finish condition? And for instance, what is (or was) the purpose of «Days of Mayhem”? I don’t know!

I hope it could be created more different ways of doing things, in such a way that different opinions can work, argue and fight for their different views and ideas. Today no one cares whether the ePresident is from that or this party for instance. Why not make a sort of parliamentary system (in the political modul), in the economical module, make different types of factories based on more diverse products, different raw-materials, part products and so on (as in the Paradox game “Victoria”). In the military module I do imagine more specialization and strategical choices as for instance infantery, artillery, tanks, air craft and so on. And why not a navy? And perhaps all this in a combination of developing technology?

I hope it can be more graphics. Don`t underestimate the visualization appearance with more graphic, for instance more images on how you develop your companies, your armies, and how this affects the regions. And perhaps a silly view, but I would love more, and more detailed, statistics, both on your own, the region and your country`s development.

I hope for more contact in real time. We do have Discord, but we do appear in different times, and we do seldom see a realtime chat conversation. That`s perhaps the easiest thing to do today, we only have to agree a meeting-point on a special time.

Some thougths from me as a start. So….

On this 10 years anniversary I encourage YOU, to tell in the thread below, whats your opinion and hope for the jubilee today, and how to develop eRep further in such way that it can celebrate it`s also a 15th and a 20th anniversary!

Happy anniversary, all my eRep friends! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Be happy, this is no sound card! 🙂

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