Thoughts and Views- and the new United Mutual Bank

Day 501, 17:56 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Hello, Justin Moore here, Back from my vacation in the U.S and Britain visiting with old friends. I left in a hurry trying to get away from the political and economic scene here in Israel as It was driving me nuts to be frank, I also had real life issues going on that kept me from being here. I’m sure I was widely missed.

Upon my return, I have made a few decisions for now, I will not be joining any particular party as of now, and wont support any party specifically, but I will focus on three things.

1. Being a faithful member of the IDF
2. Writing a daily article or two called Thoughts and Views
3. Starting a new bank- United Mutual Bank

I will start training where I can to become a strong member of our armed services, I’m not going to venture into a business per say on my own, I will work for someone else that pays well, but I do plan to start the United Mutual Bank to help move the country forward.

I will be giving payday loans to companies and individuals in need.
For Instance, as a new company owner, one might only have enough cash to pay the next days salaries if today’s products sell on the market, saying they don’t sell, the company is left without funding for its employees. I will grant cash loans to cover those costs with a small interest rate of 3NIS per 10NIS per loan up until 40 NIS is borrowed and then the rate drops to 2nis per each 10 nis loaned. The cap will be 50 NIS for now.

I will loan for other reasons as well, based on and determined by the surrounding factors.
Here is a scale of loan amounts and interest that would need to be paid back. I will only loan in increments of 10 NIS

Loaned Amount Interest Payback amount
10 NIS 3 NIS 13 NIS
20 NIS 6 NIS 26 NIS
30 NIS 9 NIS 39 NIS
40 NIS 8 NIS 48 NIS
50 NIS 10 NIS 60 NIS

The basic agreement for the loan would be as follows, but may be altered upon date of signature if agreed upon by both parties.

The company or individual _______________requests to borrow___NIS with the current interest rate of ___NIS to be paid back upon the due date of _____ to be enforced by the game administrator as agreed upon within this contract. United Mutual Bank under the log and parent “The Moore Trading Company” agrees to loan ____ NIS to ________ ______with a total including interest as set by United Mutual Bank that may not be altered due to this agreement of __________NIS being due to be paid back to United Mutual Bank under the log of “The Moore Trading Company by the following date__/___/____ by 12:00 P.M. The loan requesting party agrees that every 24 hours that the loan including all interest is late there will be a late fee of 5 NIS applied to the total up until 10 days past the original due date. Upon 10 days late the game administrator will be contacted to enforce collection or engage in other punitive action as desired by the game administrator.

This will be the basic agreement you will be required to digitally sign if you wish to have the loan.

This is not something I am trying to make a business out of, this is something I want to do to help companies and citizens in need. I could care less if I have a lot of customers or not, this will be a part time thing. I will loan to individual’s dependant on the loan reason request.

If you are interested in requesting a loan, Click on this link to take yourself to the brand new Unite Mutual Bank website, and you can access the application page from there, it’s a simple form my friends. Fill it out.

As far as my new paper goes, thought and views, It will be a non-partisan, not unified approach journal, non politicly leaning any one way. I plan to evaluate, call out, interview, and point finger at any party or person that is not operating in a manner that I see as fit. I will include a little humor and some international news as well.
My intention will not be to offend anyone, but to make sure views are expressed, make sure facts come to light with the public, and make sure were having good debate. I expect critics and people downgrading my paper, Im ready for it as I always have been when I had the Israel News Today up and running, I like debate, I like views, that’s why its called “Thoughts and Views”