Day 494, 08:18 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

When I started to play this game I didn't think it will become so captivating and so emotional and that it would follow to spend more than an hour a day just reading, writing articles and fighting.

In my whole life a didn't play a game more than few weeks. The reasons why I enjoy it so much are many, but the most important is that in here I can make choices real life doesn't allows me. I can pretend myself to be whoever I want and can travel all over the place without luggage or restrictions.

I can express my true feelings without arguing or taking any risks. So, this is a good reason to write about the thoughts that bother me the most right now.

ER was an enchanting place in which, while ago, I entered once or twice a day to get rid of my daily problems in RL. It was a place where most of you were doing just alike. It was a relief and it was very funny.

Why am I using the past tens so often? Because most of the things which made me play this game at the beginning are gone. Most of them were removed by admins when they introduced payments for extra features. Many of you will probably say that it is their right to earn some money which to give them possibility to pay their bills, their employers, etc. Yes, you are right!!
But they should did this otherwise.

The manner they did it, altered the balance of this game. People from small countries or with small wages in RL, never will afford to pay for some features they need to keep up with people who can afford to pay for it. And that creates another game in which the poor people must shut up and work, eventually leave cause it isn't fair anymore!!

The other part of the things which have lost are caused by us, all players! How we did it?By putting in this game more feeling, passion and spending more time in here. I did that for instance. Then, we split in two great alliances. Every country, no mater its size or the players it had in that moments wished to a part of these 2. But, the countries which were leading it, weren't agree. They had other plans. So, takeovers came up. Indeed the split was fun and created more action inside the game. BUT, yes there is a BUT, the funniest moments in new occurred wars belonged still to the greatest nations inside these 2 alliances.

The smaller countries never had time to grow or to bring more players. Why? I will tell you why!!
Spending more time in here, consuming more feelings in here, we brought in this game something harmful , noxious as vices from real life!!

The main purpose of the game was to create something different, a better virtual reality, but the increased number of players brought in here bad feeling such hate, xenophobia, etc. Many of these are supplied by admins' stubbornness of keeping some rules unchanged. Those rules who permit TO, and financial differences between players.

I wrote some articles with this kind of accents, but they are the results of a bad legislation of Erep. As long as a player, plays according to the rules, he cannot be blamed! He can't? Oh , yes HE CAN!! Why? Because all of us know which thing is good and which is not!! Here intervenes HUMANISM!! UGLY THING!! BAD FEELINGS EVERYWHERE!!NO ONE SEEMS ABLE TO STOP HIS MALICE!! THE HUMAN BREED REACHED THIS GAME TOO!!

What is left for the poor ones and for countries with few members?

So, my thoughts are directed now only to RL which is by far the most important thing!!

Thanks all for reading!!