ThomasR26 for BAP Party President

Day 597, 10:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ThomasR26

Hello, and welcome to my (ThomasR26) Manifesto for the Party Presidency of Britain’s Advancement Party.

In this Manifesto, I will outline what needs to happen with the BAP and how I can make that happen.

Firstly I would like to start off by saying I shall not be running the party alone; there are a group of us known as the Board of Directors or simply ‘The Board’. Notable members from the top 5 parties are in the Board. I myself am the Spokesperson (and prospective in-game Party President) while RyanMcCulloch is Board Chairman, they also fulfill the Standard Director role that Mr Woldy and Litro do. We will also rename the party the Goku Advancement Party (GAP) and set one of it’s aims to change New World perspective of King Goku Jones of that to a positive aspect.

Members of the Directors Board
ThomasR26 of the PCP.
RyanMcCulloch of UKRP.
Mr Woldy of TUP.
Litro of PCP.

We aim to encourage all citizens onto the eUK forums which can be found at
By joining the forums, we get more members and will eventually be able to receive our own private subforum. Our short term goals will be to gain more members with which we can become candidates for congress elections and have a say in the running of the Country.
Long term goals, as with any other party, will be too increase our numbers and become a more visible party with lots of ideas. If we are to be elected then we will publish what will be called ‘The Goku Constitution’. Our Party Manifesto outlining our policies and beliefs.

Thank you for reading and remember to vote for us on the 15th.

Many thanks,