This Week in Congress pt. 4

Day 1,643, 14:04 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Well, I had a nice article which detailed the goings on in congress this past week, but apparently I took so long in it's writing due to fact checking and what have you, that by the time I hit publish, I was logged out... So sadly you only now get the coles notes...

First and fore most, sorry about the delay, but long weekend plus my birthday caused a bit of a wrinkle in my normal sobriety... er I mean schedule....

So anyways, here is the news.

India, Australia, Brazil, Philippines, Israel, Belarus, Norway, USA, Ukraine, Netherlands, and Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Macedonia, Indonesia, Mexico, UK, and Venezuela

400,000 CAD to MF.

Natural Enemy:
Was hoping for Belgium for some easy land and resources, why didn't it happen? Petty alliance issues, but we still have bigger plans even without some extra territory on the side.

Congressional Forums:
Changes to both the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Civil and Criminal Reform Act, and the Congressional Rules of Order. The CRF and the CCRA were mainly changing up the supreme court to an advisory body and handing its powers to various other departments and individuals. The CRoO was a minor point about how the speaker allows his deputy to call a vote in his absence.

Also there was the scuffle over my suggestion of a ministry of immigration. Long story short, my initial plans and ideas, have mostly been changed in favour of a more informal advisory position. I will now be seeking congress's approval for this informal process in the hopes that it will still be an effective way to protect eCanada from PTO's

Again, sorry for the briefness of this weeks article, but I have now learned my lesson to make an extra draft next time.

Also, congressional election are in five days time. And I will be seeking re-election! Those of you who read these articles and follow my progress in congress, you know that I deeply care about protecting eCanada and ensuring we remain a strong country.