This Week in Congress pt. 3

Day 1,634, 19:45 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Well, it's certainly been a hell of a week! The proposals have been coming down like there's been no tomorrow! Let alone a few tid bits from the forums.

Looking at alliances, we've updated allot of alliances because their term was coming due. Which is why we've had so bloody many! I mean look at this list: Turkey, Italy, France, Ireland, Romania, Taiwan, Croatia, Japan, Argentina and Germany! But this is a good thing and has been the focus of this congress so far, maintaining good international relations. I do believe that it's the only way that we will be able to stand against the forces arrayed against us.

Also we have had two movements of money to the Minister of Finance to the total tune of 800000CAD, these I voted in favour for because, quite frankly the MF kinda needs the funds to run the country 😛

As for the movement of 200 Gold to the MF I also agreed to this to help out those upgrading their buildings. Although I was hesitant as I personally was not eligible (due to me being stubborn and running a very small MU XD ) I decided that this was still to good an offer to deny other eCanadians.

And how about that war? Well I had stated that I approached this war with some caution, I am glad to see that Sperry has been in active talks with the UK PM to make sure eCanada can remain (at least relatively) safe from a wipe out from our foes. But on the bright side we all get to walk away with bright and shiny new medals!

As always, I love hearing from people! I might not have access to every thing that goes one, but I am a congressman so darn it, if ya got a question I will do what I can!