This Week in Congress pt. 2

Day 1,627, 15:24 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

So whats been up this week?

Well, this week has seen a number of alliances as well as another UK NE vote. And quite frankly I have been a yes man this week. Looking at alliances we've agreed to support Finland, Colombia and Greece. There is also a vote on China that is pending, but that should pass shortly. These alliances I think will prove most fruitful in days to come as we move closer to a war in the UK.

Which brings me to the more important event of this week, the soon to be passed NE resolution with the UK. I know there are those against war; speaking with some fellow congressmen we have even been entertaining other alternatives. However, at the end of the day, the UK is approaching our borders once more and we must be ready to meet them. As a result I have voted in favour of this resolution.

While I do agree that we should not rush into any fight, the UK is pushing towards us. They have not reached our shores yet, but those opposed to us may use their common border with us, against us. Therefore we need to be ready and by accepting this resolution we not only prepare ourselves for any aggression, we send a clear message that we will be ready.