This war rocks!

Day 1,654, 12:53 Published in Australia Australia by Paul J Keating

The last few days have been frantic, exciting and exhilarating.

The resistance wars from our Kiwi neighbours have brought a level of interest and excitement that I haven't seen in my 5 months playing with just about every campaign going down to the wire. I've been watching players pull out massive efforts, huge damage counts on both sides of the wall. I've watched tanks roll, walls crumble, and desparate recoveries from massive deficits. Two evenly matched sides going at it hammer and tongs.

I've ranked up, won true patriot medals and even a battle hero. Never thought I'd spend so much time watching a coloured bar move left and right...

Kudos to the Dept of Defence staff who have worked their guts out to secure victories.

Nice work Aussies, keep the damage train rolling!
Salute to the allies who have worked with us, contributing so much damage.
Salute to our Argentinian comrades who've backed us all the way.
Salute to our Kiwi enemy for the awesome battles, as far as enemies go you guys rock!

Long live Australia!