This Term So Far...

Day 729, 13:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan

Well hey there! You have probably twigged by now that I am GGRyan. I currently hold down a few positions in eUK government;

- East Midlands Congressman I help run the country
- Undeminister of Home Affairs I try and make people have fun here
- Underminister of Legislative Affairs I help to run Congress
- Ambassador to Hungary I love Hungary!!!

I'm gonna go through my key notes so far this term; its been pretty good for me actually.

I challenged the Lords!
I know, its crazy. Well, someone had to do it. All certain Lords did was complain that us congressmen cant do anything. Well, I tried them. I'm sorta pleased too; some of them aren't that bad. Then again, some decided they were above it. Arthur Wellesley in particular annoyed me. Sarcastic comments followed by cold silence doesnt amuse me.

The East Midlands IRC Is Awesome
It really is. We take in floaters from every region cause, quite simply, our IRC is the best. Has the best bots. Has the best people. You get the idea. You too can join us!
Go to">Mibbit Chat
Change Server to Rizon, and Channel to #EastMidlandsChat
Say hi!
Its best in the evenings, though.

I helped the Szeklers in their fight for justice
Indeed I did. I was heavily involved in the campaign for this and it really is a great cause. From my spot in the eUK diplomatic corps, a spot which I am more than proud of, I rallied eUK support for this and eventually, the Szeklers won. But the cause hasnt stopped there!

Oh, and basically, I fought my corner all the time! I wont back down in congress and you can see that everyday on the forums!

The forums you say?
Yeah, the forums. They are awesome! Its where its all going on! I mean, major political party, oh, and a rogue taking over the UK military companies and holding it to ransom "for the eUK", there never a dull moment. So, like....

Go to the forum!

Lovin' you guys!
