This one is for the noobs

Day 623, 16:15 Published in USA USA by youv made a Monster of me

If you have not already watched the tutorial video here is a link. i will also be covering what is not stated in the video as well

here is a basic overview of the game

First of all welcome to the new world. Your first days will be rough considering the low sallery and little amount of involvment but you will get through it.

The video covers alot of the basics but here is a time line to make shur you are geting all you can out of the game.

1.Find a skill 0 job. You will gain .5 xp evrey day you work until you reach level 1. As you progress in your skill the amount of xp you gain daily decreases while your wages increase. If you work for 30 consecutive days you will unlock the Hard worker achivment and along with that recive 5 gold.

2.upload an avitar under edit profile. This will allow you to reach level 2 and train. If you take down your avitar you will not lose experience

3.Purchase food because if you eat you get 1 bonus xp per day and it is crucial for survival. The quaility level on food determins the amount of wellness restored. Eating is done automaticaly at 0:00 E time which is equivalent to 1 am.

4.Training is availible at level two. It increases your strength and grants you one xp per day. Strength allows us to increase our basic damage thus makeing you a larger threat and increasing your value to the E world.

5.Once you hit level 5 the game gains a new deminsion,war. There are a lot of common misconceptions about this so here they are.

5A. If you fight in a war you can not be killed in battle. This is a rumor that is spread by new players that have never fought in a war before.

5B If your rank increases you do not recive 5 gold. It is a symbol of pride that proves you are experienced and shows veteranship.

5C Weapons are only good for one fight. After you hit attack once they dissapear. wellness is not affected by your weapon. Only damage.

5D. It is crucial to be located in a region with a q5 hospital and defence system,This is known as a forte. These rarley fall and cost alot for opposing forces to attack.

6. Hospitals will restore your wellness based on their quality level. They are free to use and can be accesed by simply fighting one time. Your damage you have done will display on your screen. At the bottom there will be the option to fight again or back. Click back and above the war damage status you will have a link to the hospital. Click there. On the page it brings you to will have a picture of a hospital its level and the word heal. Click heal.

7.The monetary market is where you can sell and buy gold. There is lots of money to be made here if you know what you are doing. Do some research before you go and put your gold out for sale. Many people will accidently sell 5 gold for 5 dollars. Once you post an offer even if you made a mistake it can't be taken down for 5 minutes.

8.Houses are like food and restore 1 wellness a day based on the quility level. Houses do not stack so make shure you only buy one.

8A If you do decide to buy one do so through the forums in the other annoucements forum. You will get a much better deal this way.

9.Gifting will restore one wellness for evrey quality point. You can not gift to yourself and can only recive 10 gifts a day. If your wellness is low you can always post in the help forum and someone will help you out.

10-Joining a politcal party does not give you experience and is not recomended for new players. Do alot of research before you critise your party or president. If you throw out propaganda people will make a point to ignore you

11-newspapaers- To start one is only two gold. Please make a point to put so serious thoughts that really mean something to you into the game. Spaming your paper will destroy your reputation and be followed up with some hatefull comments. If you are only looking to gain 5 gold from this be aware it could take months.

11A subscriptions to papers are free and help them reach them their goal of 1000 subscribers. If you subscribe other they will most likley subscribe you back.

12 Once you reach level six you will recive a well earned 5 gold. 16 is the magic level. From this point on you will recive gold every time you level up.

Please consider that I put a lot of thought and time into this. If you found this usefull please vote and subscribe this article.

If you are new and any of this is still confuses you please pm me and I will be glad to explain to the best of my knowledge what you are wondering.