This Months Congress Elections.... Really?

Day 978, 10:34 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

My activity has been a tad bit lower than usually lately, so I can be a bit slow finding out about things. Stuff like who is royally messing up their congressional elections, who is giving citizenship to foreign enemies, who is managing to get their blockers taken care of and all that usual stuff that happens around the 25th of every month. So when I get onto IRC today, election day, and hear some of the recent news my face sorta looked like this:

Firstly, to my knowledge the Federalists and the UIP the the ONLY parties to get all their own blockers in position this month. If i'm mistaken on this and your party also managed to take care of itself and get all its own blockers without FEC, Military or third party aid, let me know because you deserve credit for this. Getting all your blockers takes a lot of work, its routine business for the federalists at this point but its certainly difficult to pull off. Thanks to everyone who blocks, and everyone who coordinates this. Now, if you're in a party that failed to do this I encourage you to complain about it, bring it up, see what you can do to fix it. Parties should act responsibly and avoid making themselves national security risks. Which Brings me to what really disappointed me today.


You may notice that certain enemies of our country from the U.K. are running for congress today, courtesy of S.E.E.S. Now, if you've ever fought in a battle against britain, or been mildly american I think you may be reasonably annoyed and simply disappointed in the fact that not only has SEES given citizenship to an enemy of our country but has also allowed them to run for congress. Its a game and lets have fun sure, but winning is also fun, and so is being apart of a massive national effort to be successful. Helping members of Pheonix is not what most americans are interested in. You can say "hes switched sides" or "he hates phx now" or whatever you want, simple fact is people need to realize their actions can have consequences even in this game. So, simple fact is SEES has helped a member of Pheonix get american citizenship and is now helping him into our congress. Its funny to think that while SEES was up to this, most parties were trying to protect america from this crap. SEES, I'm disappointed.