This Is eIndonesia!!!

Day 1,326, 07:43 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by psy_cho

As i promised to my friend, I created this article which aims to clarify the position eIndonesia particularly related to the Ostin's article (I know this article a bit late, but promise still a promise).

eIndonesia always treasure of his brotherhood. eIndonesia never leave the brotherhood and succumb to power. "Brother" isn’t just an empty word for people of eIndonesia. Once eIndonesia consider a country as our brothers, eIndonesia will not turn away and will continue strive to keep his brothers save.

Lets get a flashback, do you remember when Eden gangbang eSerbia 1.5 months ago (eSerbia only has 6 native ​​region) from 4 sides (Hail Eden and Terra, the Bravest). eSerbia down to only single remaining region (Vojvodina). Almost all of eIndonesia tankers fight and defend that region. Even one of eIndonesia tankers made a statement in eSerbia that he would not abandon his brother. eSerbia win the war in Vojvodina with the score 8-0. We even win a round in the Asian Prime Time.

eIndonesia also not a country that ignoring his friends in trouble too keep gold and money. 1.5 months ago, eArgentina also attacked eNew Zealand. True, eIndonesia refuse to extend MPP with eNew Zealand twice because eIndonesia do not want to fight eArgentina and the reasons is we believe negotiations can be the answer. After long disscusion between eArgentina, eNZ, eIndonesia and eTurkey, the peace treaty was achieved.

Indonesia maybe not the strongest one, but we can ensure that we take care of our brothers and friends.

This is a clear and strong message from eIndonesia to eWorld,
1. To our brothers (eArgentina, eHungary, eTurkey and eSerbia)
eIndonesia will not leave you behind.
2. To our ally and friends
We will give you our support
3. To our enemy
No words necessary, see you at battlefield.

We will continue to achieve peace between eArgentina with ePeru and eNew Zealand can be achieved through some diplomation, if we can eliminate the distrust issues among each other.

Finally, at the long run eArgentina should choose between eindonesia or eBrazil to be considered as their brothers. From my point of view, eBrazil do not show some dignity with their recent activities, like trolling in media, and so on. eIndonesia and eBrazil clash only a matter of time.

My strong message in here is as long as you, eArgentinians, treasured our brotherhood, we will always stand beside you.


Let’s fight for our Brothers, move your ass to eSerbia and show eRomania they cannot free Transilvania


We already won at Transilvania, so let's move to another war. Let's free inner mongolia from dictatorship o/


Kini saya merasakan apa yang don123 rasakan. Gara2 kompi instal ulang, semua log percakapan penting, kumpulan artikel, data dan fakta penting termasuk informasi-informasi rahasia. Dan yang terpenting terdapat beberapa hal yang bersifat personal (foto, log, informasi dll) terkait beberapa orang di erep hilang. Rasanya jadi males ngerep, mana koneksi inet di kosan bermasalah.

Thanks buat menan, arale dan arsantaca yang sudah men-donate IDR sehingga aye bisa mudik ke java setelah terperangkap nun jauh di Amerika Selatan 😘*

Thanks juga buat seseorang yang namanya ga mau disebutkan sebagai editor artikel ini. 😘*