This Is An Article: USWP Helps New Players (and Old Farts)

Day 2,646, 13:02 Published in USA USA by LuckyNumber85

I'll be honest, I'd forgotten I had a newspaper. Not writing for 2,100 days will do that to you. (2,100 days? That doesn't seem right. That would mean I've been playing this game for over 5 years....oh crap).

However, now I've got a mission that requires an article to complete. Worse luck, it also requires comments. And that's where you, my loyal readers who didn't know I existed and will happily go back to not knowing I exist tomorrow come in. Give me comments, no more than 25 because let's not be greedy, and help me obsessively clear out missions. And if you need me to do the same, I will.

So it's a deal, right?

Thanks for the comments. Carry on with your regularly scheduled clicking.