This is a true statement!

Day 1,564, 18:14 Published in USA Croatia by Luxury Elite

This is a true statement.

When you walk around at night, with your neck exposed. You're just asking to be bitten by a vampire. Especially if you walk thru their "patrol zones".

I mean come on.

If you didn't want to get bitten, you would have taken better care of your life by protecting your neck and avoiding the vampire regions.

But oh no. Some dumb girl goes walking along a dark park, right near a normal vampire hang out, with her neck exposed...the vampires get her. And it's their fault?

Come On! They're vampires...its in their nature.

That's like blaming a cougar for attacking someone running through the woods. A cougar is wired to attack anything that moves fast. Vampires are wired to attack anything with an exposed neck.

Stop blaming the vampires and blame yourself.

thanks /b/