Third Time Lucky

Day 1,855, 18:05 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on. -- Robert Frost

Its been a while. Many of you will have no idea who the hell I am. Those of you who DO know who I am likely chuckled a little and thought, “Old Man Mason, back at it again”.

To put it in perspective, the last time I played seriously, GloveIsLove was POTUS, gold was selling for about $1500 cc, and Q7’s were brand new! In RL, Obama was still serving his first term in office, New York had no idea what the hell was coming in Superstorm Sandy, The NHL had not locked out its players and the Blue Jays had a horrible starting rotation. What a difference time can make.

I’ve tried...several times leave this game and not come back. Sometimes by choice and sometimes not. This last hiatus was not by choice. Funny how RL can grip you so tightly that you wake up in the middle of the night convinced it has left marks on your skin.

This is my third return to this game. The invisible tether that keeps me connected is yet to be severed though I suspect some day that will happen. I am convinced I will be found in my basement office, my cold dead hands clutching my laptop, feverishly trying to hit the “fight” button one last time. All things in hands are still plenty warm and Plato has already felt my wrath in a duel.

So third time is the charm.

Funny thing about leaving and coming back. Its like being reborn. You get to start again...reinvent something different.

I have always enjoyed the media in this game, and those who have known me for a while now, know that the media module has always been my first love. With that said I think I will come back and once again take a stab at breathing some new life into the media. But what of the podcast? In too will likely return. All things in due time.

For now I have time...plenty of it. Time is the leveler of all human greatness, and by extension it is the leveler of nations. Much time has passed since my last foray into this game. Yes, for now I think I will take my seat up in the balcony and watch the show. Surely there is room for another sociopolitical pundit with a thirst for critical writing. The key is to invest, without going all in. The work/life balance.

What was it I wrote once in an article...A gasp of breath, a sudden death, the tale begun (Thanks Dean).

The profound question now I ask of you is, What has it got in its pocketses?

Yours In National Unity,