Third Attempt at... Not Failing.

Day 437, 04:30 Published in USA USA by Wade Seagrave
Wade's World Wood is Go For Launch

I finally sold that other Wade's World Wood and bought my own in the Great State of TN. Oh wait, that's an RL reference, but get over it.

I have invested my last 2 gold in it and I'm hoping that I might be able to scrape some profit out, if only $0.001 a month. So I'm pretty much throwing dust into the wind and hoping I can duck fast enough, because I've already been hit in the face twice so far...

I am currently hiring 10 0-skill employees at $1.05 and semi-incremental wages. The Semi-Incremental wages means I will bring them up for working consistently, but it may not be everyday; it just depends on how much funding I get on this. I will also attempt to do anything possible to help my employees if they need help, either monetarily or in game assistance. Have a question? Feel free to ask. I hope I can only return the favor that my first employer (Who I'm still working for...) gave to me. (You know, just in case he reads this 😛)

I am also out of money in my other account because I also gave to the US BOND account. In fact, you all should. Here is a quote from GoBucks' article:

"The system is pretty simple, buy your bonds at this org here:

Which I do not even have access to, in fact only President MacWalburgson and Congressmen Woods have access to the org. Then fill out this form as a means of recording your transaction and assuring the return of your money: (For some reason I can't get the link button to work...)

These do not have any interest on them, but you WILL get back the same amount of money that you put into it. So what do you have to loose? Some money for a few weeks? I would recommend doing it. Right now. I don't care if you are in the middle of trivia (...and reading this article at the same time?), go to the spreadsheet above and account above to give money to save America.