Thinking About Congress

Day 1,123, 06:08 Published in USA USA by John Largo

Hello loyal subscribers,


Are there any of you left alive? Its been a while since I wrote articles.

I am in the UIP (rea😛 great political party), so I've got that going for me. My party is looking for qualified candidates for congress and I think I might give it a shot.

Me thinking about running for congress. I sure do look good naked, right?

If you remember, I was a 3 time congressman earlier this year. RL got busy, and I let others give congress a shot. But I have some free time now-a-days, so I will be able to fully participate. Plus I am already in the USNG, so I won't have to transfer to another branch if I am elected.

So tell me what you think in the comments section, or with your article votes. Should I run for congress again?

Something funny to end the article.