Things to vote for

Day 315, 16:40 Published in Sweden Sweden by Radsoc

Geehrte Mitbürger/innen!
Ärade medborgare!
Fellow citizens!

Today we vote for change. We vote for independence, democracy and citizen rights. We vote against keeping the policies of aggression, imperialism and oppression. We vote for the freedom of Poland, Germany and Denmark.

Our votes can change the way Sweden is run. They form the domestic and foreign policies of this country. Shall we keep on voting and working to make the rich richer, or try something completely different this time by rewriting the rules? Shall we give all working citizens the possibility to afford a house for the benefit of the national productivity for the first time in history? Shall we make all working citizens, who want, earn more money and get more influence over their jobs by owning companies collectively and by electing their GMs? All profits in one pocket or in many pockets? It's your day today, today you decide, and not the some FBS president.

The ruling party FBS may be a giant block of concrete, but it's slowly withering away. Members leave FBS at the same rate as the economy slowly declines and other imperialist countries get past us. Some parties talk about independence for germans or danes, while they through election fraud elect themselves mayors in their provinces.

MSAP is a completely different party. We have never appointed any foreign mayors in occupied territories. When we say we are anti-imperialists, we mean it. When we say we can change how things run, we mean it.

Today, you decide if the ruling party, the party of business owners and their henchmen, all from one forum, will continue their conservative politics or if we can weaken them and gain ground in congress. Together we can make eSweden better. We are ready when you are ready.

Vote for change!
Vote MSAP !

And now some entertainment 😉