They Need Us Now!

Day 679, 22:06 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 22:06 (Sep29) | Day 679 of the New World

They Need Us Now!
Throughout the war our allies have been supporting us, they put in a lot of effort to keep us from being conquered and to keep us on the offensive. Some like Korea paid dearly for supporting us and continue to struggle to win their freedom. We where down and almost out, nations around the world reached out to give us a helping hand, knowing full well what the consequences of standing up to PEACE could be. And their sacrifices where not in vain, we are essentially a nation again, our economy continues to recover, we have almost all our states back under one flag and we no longer fear being annihilated. All thanks not just to national unity but to our allies around the world.

Now our allies are the ones facing invasion, they are now fighting PEACE on their home countries, being threatened with complete conquest. And our response to this has been good at best when it should be amazing, breathtaking. I have spoken with many players who admit to be holding back from the battles in Norway and Sweden in order to save up some money, to invest in a company and or newspaper. Cowards, we willingly accept international support but when its our turn to give and help out the very countries that saved us in our darkest times, we hold back, we think twice. It is only our duty to help these countries out, we cannot let a safer and more prosperous nation make us feel comfortable while PEACE attempts to take out our allies around the world. A false sense of security seems to be taking hold of this country, we think that because we aren't under attack that we don't need to be buying weapons and fighting PEACE. We must not let up now, we cannot take the pressure off PEACE.

They are still a threat, still looking for an opportunity to invade us once more. Don't hold back, don't think twice, we should be fighting and fighting hard any chance we get. Its so easy, no need to buy tickets, no need to move to Norway or Sweden our MMPs are active just show some back bone and dive into these battles guns blazing. Our allies need us, not tomorrow, not next week, they need us NOW!! This war is much bigger then just the North American front, its a world war and that's exactly where we should be fighting, around the world. Let the world see that we are united and willing to fight for those who have so bravely fought for us.

Above all, follow DoD orders.

Quote of the day- "Friendship makes prosperity more shinning and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it" - Cicero
-Ingo Castilho-

Editor's Corner - Democratic Process
Involve Us in the Democratic Process - One of the unique characteristics and basic tenants of a democracy is that its citizens get to vote – both figuratively and literally - and that each citizen is able to live the life of their choosing - to be able to say and do what they want - within the law.

We are a democracy. A democracy is a form of government that is "of, by and for" the people. Of the People means the government is comprised of regular citizens; by the people means the government is elected by its citizens; and for the people means that the sole purpose of the government is for the benefit of all its citizens.

The democratic process is the way we make that happen. We make the "of the people" part happen by running for public office; we make the "by the people" part happen by doing the things needed to elect our best to public office; and we make the "for the people" part happen by doing those things that keep us educated on important issues, that keep elected officials aware of our points of view, and which enforce our laws. The democratic process is not a methodology, but a lifelong way of thinking and acting.

When we invest time, energy and money in something, we tend to care more about that something. So actions that keep us involved in the democratic process help us care about and appreciate our democracy and freedoms. They are the actions most closely associated with citizenship.

New Citizens? Read this!!!
TIPS: For New Citizens

Please read, vote & subscribe for orders:
DoD Orders




War escalates in Scandinavia

Greatest regards,
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter
Nero Preto ~ press director & publishing editor