They'll never cross the Channel!

Day 514, 13:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

This is going to be *sniff sniff* the last article of the Libertarian Voice. Well, for a while anyway. I'm going to take a break from the politics side of eRepublik, and devote myself and my paper to studying the game's history. I got the idea from the history competition the eRepublik Insider is running.

My last overly political article in a while is all about defence. Well, it's about moving tickets, but it all links in. (RL coming up, warning.) In a thousand years of Britain starting from the Battle of Hastings, the British Isles have been one of the most defensive zones in the world. The Spanish Armada, one of history's most devastating fleets, couldn't breach our defences. Neither could all the ships of Napoleon. Ze Germans tried about sixty years ago, and they only got as far as Jersey *snigger.*

And what makes us such a defensive dynamo? Well, a kick arse navy, but that's besides the point. Our strength is that our national mentality absolutely refuses to let anyone breach our sceptered isle. They shan't reach our shores! That single promise has served us well in the past, with the idea being that once someone manages to make base camp on Brighton beach, it's a slippery slope.

How can we recreate this great defensive strategy on eRep, I hear you ask? Well, it's simple. All you cramped eLondoners need to do is take advantage of the free moving tickets provided by the Ministry of Migration and Support and head down to the coast! The reason? Well, the higher the population of a region is, the harder it is to breach the defensive wall. If you get all the surplus population of London and take it further down an invasion from, say, France will flop. If we have more people in the coastal regions, no power will be able to take us down. Not that we're sitting ducks at the moment (although, are we sure we're not?) but Britain needs to be an active defensive power before it can mount a strong offensive. These are the types of lessons we learned from Operation French Toast, and people in landlocked cities taking advantages of opportunities could have made the difference.

So please, if you want to be more active in the defense of your enation, contact Patrick Reckitt or Nile Frater for your FREE moving ticket and book yourself a one-way holiday on the beach!