There Once was a Heart

Day 741, 17:55 Published in Canada Canada by LJSilver

A cold icy wind blew through me last night,
the doors were all closed, the windows shut tight.
‘Not again,’ thought I, as I lay there in bed,
my mind and my spirit filling with dread.
Why does the storm howl within me like this?
The answers I had were surely amiss.

I faintly remembered feeling love in my youth,
there was warmth in joy and wisdom in truth.
A unique renewal like the heavens at dawn,
I wondered how and where that glory had gone.
A caring in sharing, understanding and hope,
seems I’ve lost the desire, the ability to cope.

Why do I feel so empty and alone all the time?
Not wrinkled nor withered, I’m still in my prime.
Its so cold, so windy, the air feels like sleet,
the flames in the hearth, they offer no heat.
What is it that weighs upon me like this?
Tomorrow holds nothing, the reaper’s cruel kiss.

Some say ‘tis better to have loved once and lost,
but what is the price and how much the cost?
To exist behind an emotional brick wall,
‘tis better to never have loved at all.
To endure the remainder alone and apart,
a hole, a void ... where there once was a heart.

copyright: LJSilver 1995