Theorectical 5-Way World

Day 884, 13:21 Published in Canada Canada by Saya Innsbruck

No matter what you do there's always 2 really powerful alliance fighting it out. However, with the world becoming more multi-polar, there's greater chance of multiple alliances than before. Certainly there's still prominent powers such as Poland and Hungary, but they were no where as dominant as Indonesia and Romania back in their day - all great powers require the assistance of allies in any invasion against another nation, all of whom are usually stacked with the MPPs of one or more great power. This article is not about doubting our allies, but rather splits that would theoretically make the game more fun and competitive.

The eWorld currently has 8 nations (Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Croatia, Romania, Spain, USA, Indonesia that have proven to do around 2 million damage or above. In addition, there are more than a dozen that do around or above 500k damage, including formerly weak nations such as China, Australia, and Slovenia that invading powers needed to take into account of the domestic damage in addition of what their MPP offers.

An effective alliance that could stand on its own required the combined power of its member nations to be effective against any invasions of a single nation, thus enabling the alliance itself to dictate its own policies as opposed relying on another alliance for survival. Currently, the near-defunct Sol and the embattled Entente are really too weak to really do anything on its own if any single EDEN or Phoenix power came knocking. As a result, we have the current situation - France couldn't defend itself against Spain alone with its Entente allies and required the help of Phoenix, and Malaysia needed its multiple MPPs from EDEN against Indonesia to stand a chance.

I have drawn up a map of a somewhat plausible alliance split, which clearly won't be doable as of now due to the bi-polar situation of the world (which means any side decided to split off would akin to giving the advantage of their adversary):

Right click and open to make it larger

EDEN will bascially revert to what it was before - an European alliance made up of the main European members of the old Atlantis. Most powerful alliance in this scenario in respect to damage, with logical ties with the Brolliance/Shield. Fragmented geographically like now.

The Brolliance/Shield will add China, South Africa, and India, of whom we have great relations with already. This will form the 3rd strongest power in the eWorld that are actually geographically linked, except for Indonesia's barrier between China and Australia. Primarily looking to reclaim the occupied Asian regions, while defending the comparatively vulnerable Southern hemisphere members.

Phoenix would shed the countries not connected to the main landmass that stretched from Slovenia to occupied China. The only break in connection would be in Ukraine that separate Hungary/Serbia with Russia. Primary rival to EDEN, like now, and is the most balanced out of the alliances with high resources, population, power of individuals, and geographic layout. Operates in Europe primarily, but move to protect its colonies in Asia as needed.

A new alliance that mainly consists of the non-connected parts of Phoenix made out of Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia and Portugal. I added Chile because they were cooperative with the Argentines in the past. Portugal has cultural ties with Brazil, and they are in the same alliance currently. This would be a compact and effective alliance due to its small number of members, and would primarily operate against bro/shield in the south if not getting invaded by EDEN.

Entente would still be the weakest, as the logical add-ons are the weaker members of Phoenix and some neutral nations. The main force of the Entente, France, is at best a 2nd tier power. Although many Phoenix members would not leave due to the threat of Poland, logically it's possible for the Dutch and German to join the Entente. Austria always have fine relations with France. Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela may seek a third way like Paraguay. UK might join the Entente if the political scene in the UK changes and Phoenix sought to expand in Eastern Europe/Asia as oppose to Western Europe. Being the centre of everything, this alliance would be the flimsiest. Hungary joining it would help it immensely, but then this assortment of mid-and-small sized nation would lose its voice. A most difficult conundrum.

Whatever the case, it's unlikely a dramatic break like this would take place anytime soon though, but it'll certainly make the game a lot more fun. And Canadians are more likely to have their actual war.