thehorseltd for congress in Northern Ireland

Day 426, 00:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by thehorseltd

The people of Northern Ireland deserve a candidate that will work for them. They deserve a candidate that won't run through the mills of petty politics, but will ignore the petty name calling and jibes to reach across the isles and work with other people to get something good done for the people of Northern Ireland.

You all know me - I'm a down-to-earth guy who you can approach with anything - everyone will get a fair hearing. I'm a Sergeant in the Royal Navy so single-handedly designed crests for each platoon to boost moral and to garner support for our troops. I have also entered the eNorthern Ireland flag contest - because we should have something to represent our country to the rest of the eUK.

I've also been away defending the cause of freedom with the Special Boat Service, and have seen single handily how other countries do things. I will bring these experiences back to Northern Ireland, filtering out the bad ones to make this a better community.

I know the Northern Ireland NHS Clinic has gotten a bad wrap lately, but this will all change. A New NI NHS Director is in place (Will Salmon), whom I know personally - and there's no better person for the job. I will work hand-in-hand with Will to make the NI NHS Clinic the envy of the eUK.

Being a member of the eUK armed forces myself I have first hand experience at the operations of the armed services. I will always make sure that Northern Ireland is well defended, and that the troops in the mess don't get too much out of hand!I will never support a war without first having just cause, and Will always make this clear to my constituents.

I will push for a stronger Atlantis. One that will be a force to be reckoned with. To leave would be dangerous and leave the eUK open to attack - so I advocate reform.

Voting Record
Many MP's are afraid of their voting record...I won't be afraid of mine. You will always know exactly which way I voted and the reasons for this. I won't be afraid to vote against my own party if it's in the best interests of the people of Northern Ireland.

So in summary - Vote thehorseltd for Congress
For a Brighter, Better eNorthern Ireland