The Worst Medal

Day 1,402, 19:25 Published in Japan Japan by KITA Ikki
At least the "Society Builder" medal encourages people to actively recruit new citizens for the game (though of course there was some likely abuse by multi-users). The "Media Mogul" medal is now a lot more meaningful after the elimination of organization subscriptions (which led to abuse by scriptboys controlling 1000+ orgs and offering "pay 5 gold for media mogul medal" deals). Nevermind that a likely 95%+ of Battle Hero and Campaign Hero medals are earned by the same top 100~150 players, here's a medal that everyone can earn:

Hooray! Earned Day 1,402 of the New World (September 22nd, 2011)

Since kills are mostly independent of strength, all you need to do is go around the world fighting in random wars until you accumulate 25 kills for 50 countries.

The people most likely to do this successfully are the most active fighters, likely those receiving money / food / weapons from their governments. During the recent eCanada war, I returned and fought only against eCanada, but I have also used some of the limited government food I received in pursuit of the mercenary medal.

Like real life, eRepublik lets you screw others to get ahead lol

Having been accused of criticizing the "power-gamers" in the past, I earned the mercenary medal (mostly with my own food and only personally-produced weapons) to show I am not merely criticizing others who are "more successful." Everyone can earn this medal, but should they? It clearly caters to the completionist streak in gamers. And after all, what the hell else is there really to do in this game?

Some players have recognized the counter-productive nature of a "mercenary medal" in a game where "social strategy" (aka teamwork / team-building) is important, but unfortunately eRepublik Admin seem to support that tren😛
-strength-for-gold training gave rise to the "Age of Superheroes"
-unlimited wellness packs further empowered them
-Military Units can have selective (application required) membership, but political parties cannot?
-instead of one congressional approval for a citizenship application, require 2 or 3 congressmen for approval
-removing most in-game ways to research citizen backgrounds (no more donation lists, permanent shouts are removed, etc.)
and so on... Fixing these problems would not really require much coding work on the part of the Admin and would restore playability to many of the mere mortal citizens.

So I think the (relatively) new Mercenary Medal is the worst medal in terms of what it contributes to the game. Talk amongst yourselves.

Anyway, I complain too much. Vote for me in congressional elections this month. I am running in Hokkaido.