The World Cup: South Africa

Day 935, 14:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

South Africa," />

We had a good match yesterday, one that we can be proud of. Mexico was supposed to maul us, instead they tied us (seems to be fairly common so far this World Cup). It was as good a result as I could really hope for. I was ecstatic when we scored. Sure it was a bit disappointing when Mexico scored, but I suppose we'll have to manage.

As part of the Ministry of Social developments job, we are supposed to make sure you all enjoy your time here. Frankly, the World Cup is about as exciting as it gets for most people. Even if you don't normally follow football/soccer you can still appreciate how exciting the air around the games is. South Africa is lucky enough to host the games and we're going to have some contests going on.

The first one we'll be having is a caption contest. This is a shot from the game that looks funny." />
Click for full-size

What you'll be doing is sending in the picture with a funny caption (if you lack any sort of photo-editing software, just send in your caption and say it's for the caption contest). PM this org with your entry. You'll have till the next time South Africa plays to send in your caption.


Well of course there will be prizes! You'll receive 5 Q1 gifts and 5 Q1 weapons. For those of you that crave attention, your captioned image will be posted in the next World Cup update and you'll receive credit. Unfortunately, you must be living and working in eSA to participate. So stop on by if you aren't living here already.

Well, I suppose that's about it. Snap to it!

Director of Fun

This project is a collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Social Development's Department of Fun.