The Wizard Kelly Super Duper Awesome Fun Time Power Hour Extravaganza

Day 3,947, 14:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Omnissiah

So I sense some boredom around the nation. Crippling unadulterated boredom. Being a loyal citizen of the nation, I can not stand ideally by as it continues, so I will somehow make it even worse with....

The Wizard Kelly Super Duper Awesome Fun Time Power Hour Extravaganza!

-Is is boring? You betcha
-Is it useless? Mostly
-Does it require you to do anything? Yeah, probably
-Is it a scam? We do not scam in the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and finally...
-Is it another god d**n lottery? Yes...yes it is.

EXCEPT this time, there's always a winner. I don't have patience, so I don't like the rolling over strategy. I'll just take the combined loot, throw in some of my own, and there will be a winner

Terms and Conditions Apply
1. Anyone can play
2. Vote and donate, preferably 100. Actually just donate 100
3. Just comment a number, literally any number. What I'm going to so is take your number, add it in a randomly organized list, and use a number generator to pick. So it's not going by your comment order, so it has no bearing on your chances. It's all up to the sleeper cell of androids.

The pot will be the collection of donations + whatever I throw in for fun.