The Wimminz Runs For Congress!

Day 363, 23:45 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

Greetings My Fellow eAmericans!

For those of you who may not know me, my name is PrincessMedyPi. For most of my eLife, I have lived in the nation of eTurkey. Born an eAmerican, I emigrated to Turkey in August to fight the fascism of the onrche administration. Recently, I grew tired of fighting him and his minions. In a moment of perfect timing, I was asked to come to America by eUSA’s President, Benn Dover, during his “bring us more wimminz” campaign. And, with my increasing boredom and irritation, it was an easy offer to accept, especially during a pro-fun administration.

I am running for a congressional seat from the state of Alaska to prove that not all women are cold, frigid snatches. Yes, I can see Russia from my house, but I realize that it is not “right over the border.” In RL, I read the newspaper, am familiar with Supreme Court decisions, and know my constitutional rights. I am:
Pro-Pie (I can't choose cake with a name like this...)
Pro-Chocolate Cookies & Brownies (I feel a need for compromise)
Pro-Muffin (Better variety of flavors)
Pro-Tax (...albeit it at low levels)
Pro-Army (I didn't come to a strong country for no reason!)
Anti-Import (On locally available and abundant items. Here's where I love me some high taxes...)
Pro-Humor (Anti-Humor administration was what drove me from the US in the first place...I'm back because of the Pro-Humor cabinet)
Anti-Stupid (There's only so much one person can be subjected to before they snap.)
Anti-Spam (RL "news" and wastes of space have no place in eRepublik; this is directly linked with my stance of Anti-Stupid.)
Pro-Sex (It makes this world so much better. What else would we discuss late at night?)
Anti-Creeper/Desperate Horn Dog (PM me with 'ur hot. msg me pleezzzee' to be castrated.)
Pro-Ellipsis (The punctuation mark I abuse on a constant basis.)

As a former Congresswoman, Party President, and leader of the minority populous of eTurkey, I feel that I have political experience to bring to the congressional forum. I have spent the majority of my days fighting against political corruption and elections tampering, while somehow finding time to support legislation (i.e. high import tax on local natural resources) that is beneficial to the people. I look forward to helping Alaska blossom.
