The War Fund Needs Your Help!

Day 589, 17:36 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez


I started the war fund a couple months ago, but I've been busy. So the charity to help pay for more training wars has been pushed to the side while I worked on other things. But now, I am going to push the Guerra Organization, and get the word out about the war fund.

Article announcing the Guerra Organization.. AKA - "The War Fund."


The sole purpose of this organization is to raise funds through donations in order to help or fully pay for wars for eCanadian's to take part in. As we all know, one of the main reasons we do not have more wars is that it costs a good bit of gold to do so. (Cost is below.) The government does not have the gold to pay for wars all the time, since it uses CAD and Gold to support government run companies, support soldiers, pay for alliances, and MPP's etc.

If we could help alleviate some of the costs or even pay the full costs of starting a war, imagine the wars we could take part in.

What you can donate:

You can donate CAD or Gold. You can even donate houses if you wish since houses can be auctioned off and the money gathered from their sale will be put towards the war fund.

You can donate your CAD, Gold or house to the Guerra Organization

Whats the benefit?

The benefit of having training wars is to raise your citizen rank, soldier rank, it will enable citizens to use the hospitals throughout eCanada thus increasing health. It will allow new citizens to experience what it's like to fight thus making them more knowledgeable on how to fight and what weapons they can use etc. It will make workers more productive since it will create higher wellness. It will aid the gift, and weapons industries because citizens would buy more of those products if we had wars more often which would then give more revenue to the companies and government through taxes.

So it's a win-win for everyone!

So please, donate to the Guerra Organization

Thank you,

-Emilio Sanchez

If you have any questions, just send me a PM as I'll answer it faster.