The War for a Name

Day 720, 21:18 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

In a recent development, it appears Indonesia will be declaring war on Malaysia, or the Federal Republic of South East Asia. According to the Indonesian Ultimatum (, Malaysia is charged with a) providing Training Wars to PEACE and non-PEACE nations and b) calling themselves the FRoSEA when Indonesia is way more South East than they are. As such, Indo has declared war on Malaysia.

The Government of Japan urges all citizens to treat the upcoming battles as Training Wars only. Use q1 weapons or your fists, but do not tank. The military will not be activated to defend Malaysia. We will propose peace with Indonesia at every opportunity. However, I would like to state at this point that Japan and the Righteous Nation philosophy looks down upon such unwarranted and baseless aggression that Indonesia is offering.

Why then, are we offering peace to Indonesia? The answer is that our border with Indonesia is a point of contention among our neighbors, such as the United States. We must ensure that this border is secure from all war, lest our neighbors be compelled to action. So, we shall use every opportunity to ensure the territorial integrity of Japan by keeping the peace with Indonesia.

Malaysia, I look forward to providing you with excellent telecom service in the future!

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