The Voice of the Voiceless?

Day 614, 14:25 Published in USA Israel by Charles Nimitz

First off, i would like to announce that this is my first real article. I invite everyone to subscribe to my newspaper, as I plan on writing an article every day.

My first article was an experiment. I published a hate message towards President Harrison Richardson. What my readers did not know was that i used the automatic complaint letter generator I got mixed results. I was happy to see some eMericans instantly knew it was garbage. What concerned me was that many eMericans voted my article up, and wrote comments in agreement.

Our fellow eMericans are being brainwashed

The current world war is the perfect stepping stone for power hungry individuals to proclaim themselves as the one true representative of the common eMerican. It is common for the government which was elected by the people, and for the people of the eUS to be bashed by eMericans who claim that our government is corrupt, with the intent of keeping themselves at the top, and keeping you at the bottom of our great nation.

This is simply not the case

Our government is set up to protect the people of the eUS. If you feel that this is not true, you have the liberty to run for public office. You have the right to change what you don't like in this nation.

So i issue this challenge to the self proclaimed voices for the voiceless who feel we aren't being served well by our government

Prove it, and do something about it